Thinking of giving your loved one
birthstone jewelry? Here is a list of birthstones:
January - Garnet
February - Light Purple Amethyst
March - Blue/Green Aquamarine
April - Diamond
May - Emerald
June - Pearl
July - Ruby
August - Light Green Peridot
September - Blue Sapphire
October - Multi-Color Opal
November - Golden Topaz
December - Turquoise or Blue Zircon |
Great Gift Ideas
How to Save Money with Great Gift
by: Ispas Marin
Want to save $1000 this year for very little effort? Gift
giving is an area where impulse buying is a frequent occurrence.
I was amazed to discover I was spending over $1500 or
more per year for gifts. What have you spent for gifts
in the last 12 months?
In my experience, gifts were last minute purchases for
which money was no object. I now spend less than $500
per year for gifts. Take two hours of your life and save
yourself $1000 or more per year on gift giving.
Get Prepared
Label 12 manila folders January - December. On the front
of each monthly folder, write the days of the month. Next
to the appropriate date on the folder, write in the occasion
for which a gift and/or a card will need to be purchased.
Then, write the amount of money you will spend on that
gift. Inevitably, a wedding or birthday will come up that
you didn't know about, so be sure you leave a little money
left for these unexpected occasions.
The key is, don't exceed what you budgeted for each gift.
For example, for Mother's Day, I will write $15 next to
the holiday. I only allocate $400 for the known holidays
and set aside $100 for the unexpected gifts such as a
wedding or birth of a child. You may find that you are
unable to budget $500 a year for gift giving. Just determine
what you can afford and STICK WITH IT. Don't deviate from
your budget.
Advance Planning
There are very real benefits to planning your gift-giving
in advance. And, with a little creativity, you can bring
your overall cost down substantially. Because you're prepared,
you can actually enjoy the holidays. You won't feel financially
strapped since you've budgeted for the gifts in advance.
Since you've anticipated the gift-giving occasion, you
will undoubtedly find the gifts on sale. It goes without
saying, but the ideas is, NEVER PAY RETAIL - EVER!
Frugal Gift Ideas
Buy gift-wrap and greeting cards on sale, or better yet,
make them yourself.
Shop for gifts all year long to get the best price. This
may mean you could be buying Christmas cards in January.
Plant an herb garden for a friend. And, while you're at
it, make one for yourself too.
Treat your partner/spouse to a homemade spa. Give him/her
a gift certificate announcing a full one-hour body massage
and facial. This gift is easily worth over $75!
Organize personal negatives and photographs for a friend
or family member. Create a scrapbook, photo books, or
even Photo CDs.
Make some creative hand puppets for a child if you have
mismatched socks and buttons lying around your home.
Create a care package for a friend who recently got a
new job. In a box or basket put some instant coffee, tea
bags, aspirin, bandages, travel size toothpaste and toothbrush,
along with a coffee cup.
If the friend is a female, add some trial size products
such as perfume and hair spray. If you want to increase
the value of the gift, give a portable umbrella.
Design a similar package for a recent high-school graduate
student who will be entering college. You may want to
even provide a $5 phone card instead of an umbrella.
Buy movie tickets... a gift where one size fits all. When
movie tickets are purchased in advance from movie theatres,
you can usually get them at half price!
Offer to make dinner for your friends if you're a good
Give a single friend or elderly family member freshly
frozen dinners for a week.
Mail out holiday cards for an elderly family member. if
you're computer literate, put their address book into
a database so the information can easily be updated.
Make a year's worth of greeting cards and personalized
stationery for someone if you're a bit crafty.
Make enough birthday cards, anniversary cards, and blank
cards for a year's worth of holidays. The thoughtfulness
will go a long way throughout the year.
Help someone else get organized. If the person you need
to give a gift to is an entrepreneur or extremely disorganized,
make a filing system for the upcoming tax year.
Purchase gift-with-purchase cosmetic/perfume specials
and split the gifts. Usually the gift is nicely wrapped,
generic, and valuable enough to give away for an upcoming
gift in your tickler file.
Getting Organized
In a drawer or closet, place the gift giving manila files,
the greeting cards, gift-wrap and purchased gifts in chronological
order. This is now your tickler file and shopping list
to remind you what holiday is coming up.
About The Author
Ispas Marin
Gadgets, innovative products, gift ideas and unique gifts,
an array of gadgets aimed at benefiting those that demand
convenience, from |